Specific Incidents – crime and investigation
Focusing on a specific incident under investigation.
Establish if an individual can be linked as a suspect.
Speed up the investigation process.
Admissible as supporting evidence in disciplinary proceedings and arbitrations

Applicants may not be truthful in the job application process. Selecting candidates for employment with the right skills and experience, as well as to secure employee honesty and integrity in the workplace are important.
Testing for pre-employment purposes comes with a series of questions aimed at knowing a person’s educational status, previous work history and any activities related to amongst others, criminality, illegal substance use and gambling.
Polygraph results may be used to filter out potential employees that do not meet the integrity standards and safe costs by eliminating unsuitable candidates.
Routine / screening test
Periodic testing of employees, such as employees who constantly deals with high monetary value items, who have access to, or must safeguard stock, ticket inspectors and security personnel.
Periodic testing assists in maintaining high integrity levels amongst employees and to identify unethical, dishonest and corrupt activities that an employer might not be aware off.